Thursday 24 April 2014

Power of the Pen

As the heading of this post talks about a pen, literally one might tend not to try follow this article because we all think we have pens in our lives but the one i am talking about is a special type of a pen.One which doesn't blot when you writing an essay in a exam ,run out of ink when you got that urgent letter you want to write to that special someone on your mind but the pen i am talking about is called a life pen with an invisible ink and the power of it its what i am going to stress in this blog post.

Growing up i never thought i would be a rapper although i had a great passion for music at an early age.I used to make funny noises, which at that time i called beats with empty paint cans and a makeshift drum set but i never thought my aura for the art would grow thus far.At 13 as i entered the teenage hood,music became a way of living and the urge of discovery was getting the better of a kid growing up in a society were nobody payed attention to the art.

My life told me to use the power of the pen,but i could not understand what the meaning behind it was because it was just a silhouette of an imaginary concept .I thought i came up with it because i wanted to be heard out that much that along the way i could have became delusional in drafting it in my head by that was not the case.Actually the pen was real and its power which i am still to understanding how to harness it,literally changed a lot of things in my life.

The more hours i spent writing songs in my bedroom with that special type of a pen, the more i got to realize that this was the only way i could change lives without any boundaries governing me from the world i was about to enter.As my music became more placid as water,it began to move in places which i would have never realized it would go and then came in its power working on every thing i put thought to it.Those lost high school friends which i would want to refer as mere classmates, i never used to talk to in this post,started in boxing me, telling me they heard that new song and they were vibe-in to it,i only knew it was the power of the pen.

Days went by and my inbox started filling up with an abnormal state of congratulatory messages from people i don't know or i wouldn't even know in my life time if it was not the power of the pen working on them..My my music accounts became hard to maintain due to an overwhelming traffic of people downloading and streaming my songs online because they heard my joint from a homie they know or in the radio while boarding a commuter omnibus to town.The power had changed a lot of things in a short space of time that at some point left me dumb-folded to a point that i was in a temporary trance.

From being an underground artist to an commercial one ,i had transgressed to a stage were i was now the popular topic in a blog spot from a hip hop website to a urban music magazine and now  the big stables which had swanned me before,started forwarding me recording deals to my email,which only came as a bonus but kept maintaining my cool which i would want to see controlling the inner me so i do not fail before i succeed.

As i am now rounding off my post,know that in your lives you also have that similar pen i am talking about,it might not come as the same pen as mine but i think God blessed us with different abilities we are not using ,so today use that talent to get far,break boundaries,set world records,inspire people,go places change lives and be a paint brush to a society canvas.

Download my latest single here and stay blessed >>>>>>

Article by Kunashe Amiz Kutama

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